The self-worth trap

The self worth trap

One of many traps that people fall into is the trap of not feeling good enough—or feeling like a fraud. We all suffer from this from time to time. 

We ask ourselves, ‘What if what I have to offer is not good enough?’ ‘Why would people listen to me?’ ‘What if I am not good enough?’

These feelings of self-doubt may not be expressed directly but manifest in various ways. The most apparent manifestation is a lack of action. The danger is that you doubt yourself and end up not ever publishing anything. This fear of what people might think is more common than you think, certainly more common an excuse for inaction than a lack of money or lack of time. 

Here is some truth for you. 

You will ALWAYS get negative feedback. There will ALWAYS be someone who complains about you or your content.

I would be worried about NOT getting any negative feedback. If you are not getting negative feedback, you are probably not getting any feedback, which means you are not making an impact. 

When you get your first negative feedback, celebrate it. Someone out there saw your stuff and felt strong enough to give you feedback. Once you have finished being happy that you got some feedback, look at it objectively and decide if it is constructive. If it is, make the required changes. If it isn’t, you could try talking to the person to address their concerns. Or, and this is what you should do when the feedback is unreasonable, give the person their money back, block them, and move on. Simple.

You ARE good enough, and there are people whose lives you can impact positively.  So concentrate on those people, not those you can’t help or who refuse to be helped.

Go out there and revel in the feedback, positive and negative, and change some lives. 

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