A lazy guide to getting a 10x return

The lazy guide to getting a 10x return

In the interests of full disclosure, I am lazy. I don’t mean in the don’t-make-the-bed-never-fold-the-laundry kinda way (although I don’t do that too). I mean in the is-there-an-easier-way-to-get-the-same-results kinda way.

So I am always looking for ways to do things quicker, more efficiently, and easier, or to put it another way; how do I get the most results with the least amount of work. I have found one of the ‘lazy’ ways to get more sales and increase revenue is to sell to people who are already customers. Alongside creating new products to sell to strangers or taking the time and effort to get those strangers to trust you, you should be thinking of what to sell to your existing customers.

People who have already bought from you already trust you. They clearly have a problem that they think you can fix. Otherwise, why would they have felt a need to put their grubby hands into their pockets and give you some of their hard-earned cash?

Of course, I am assuming your product is at least of some benefit to those who bought it. But even then, if it was a bit shoddy, no doubt you would still get some customers buying another one of your products, because, well, that is just human nature; some people can’t help themselves. But if your product is halfway decent and lives up to your marketing hype, then create new ones with your current customers in mind.

Maybe only 1-2% of strangers will buy your products, whereas you may find 25% of existing customers will do so. That’s a more than 10x return! And a lazy man like me can certainly get behind those numbers.

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