Beat the Overwhelm

Feel the overwhelm

At last, it is Friday! I try to use Friday afternoons to reflect on the past week to review what is working and what I will do better next week. There are Fridays when I am amazed at what I have accomplished and feel a profound sense of satisfaction. However, there are Fridays, like today, where it just seems I am wading through a sea of mud. I feel very far from shore, and there don’t seem to be any sunny beaches on the horizon. Fortunately, I am managing to tread the mud in terms of helping my existing clients, but I have made what feels like very little headway on my future income goals.

It would be easy for me to rage against the calamity that has been this week, but that won’t help me bring in more money next week. I, therefore, find it useful and calming to get back to basics.

The obvious place to start is with my Alkemx plan. As a practising virtual alchemist, turning ideas into gold, I have been working on this plan for some time, tweaking it often, and I know it is something solid that I can trust. The plan outlines what I will accomplish in the next two weeks, three, six and twelve months. And on days like today, I feel I need to break it down even further into steps that can soothe my frazzled anxiety.

My plan tells me exactly what I need to do in the next 30 days. It tells me exactly how many people I need to connect with, and how many sales I need to make. It tells me how to go about getting those sales. I know the exact steps. I can break them down even further into what I need to accomplish each week. And now I know what needs to be achieved every day. It doesn’t seem so bad. It’s no longer overwhelming. In fact, I am feeling good about things again.

Monday doesn’t seem so scary any more as I know exactly what I will be doing. The rest is just noise.

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