Feel the fear and do it anyway

Woman Rock Climber

Any journey starts with a little trepidation. Excitement yes, but also trepidation about the ‘what ifs’. Being a virtual alchemist on the journey to abundance is no different. We are all plagued with questions like ‘what if I fail’, ‘what if I am not good enough’, ‘What if I don’t know what I am doing’.

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t get plagued with these doubts. I still get these doubts now and again, and I have probably been doing this a lot longer than you.

I find that the antidote to these doubts and this trepidation are planning and action.

We need a plan to give us a map that details the best and easiest route to our destination. A good plan It gives us something to focus on so that we don’t get lost, and can help us avoid some of the pitfalls on route.

But even the best plan can’t take into account every eventuality. We have to at some point take action, even if we can’t see the entire road map ahead of us.

It is this action that helps us build the experience and knowledge that is necessary to help us improve and then execute our plan better. Sometimes, the only way we will know if the road we have turned up is a dead-end is actually driving up that road.

So we need to start to develop a bias towards action; focused action towards fulfilling our plan. That sometimes requires us to acknowledge that we don’t know if the action will achieve our desired outcome, but we will do it anyway.

So start today, to take action towards your journey to abundance. Start with small steps, but take those steps. Taking even small steps will help you build your resilience and sense of achievement and as you start to pick up pace, you will wonder why you were ever so nervous to get started in the first place.

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