Fighting for Financial Freedom

Bob Marley said it is “better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner all the days of your life”. I find the statement to be an inspiring one.

Not all freedom fighters are heroes fighting for independence or equality. Sometimes, freedom fighters are just regular men and women like you and me, who are fighting for freedom for themselves.

We are fighting for freedom from financial pressures. We are fighting for a better quality of life. We are fighting for the freedom to choose the lives we truly want.

But as with all causes for freedom, doubt can creep in. Too many opinions muddy the waters. The cause for freedom can get pulled in too many directions, and we, the fighters, can lose focus and clarity and even give up the cause.

So, as financial freedom fighters, we must return to our manifesto, our plan that shows us the way to the promised land. Working on that manifesto, and improving it can help us get clarity on the cause. It can help us understand what is at stake and what it will take to achieve it.

Fighting for financial freedom takes work, sweat, tears and dedication. But let me tell you, once that manifesto, is achieved, think about how you will feel.

Keep the promised land in your mind, keep moving forward, and you will win your freedom.

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