The Alkemx Philosophy

Alkemx is dedicated to empowering your journey to abundance by helping to turn you into virtual alchemists. I will help you transform your ideas, aspirations and passions into concrete, actionable and effective steps that translate into a real and sustainable income that will truly change your life.

I have helped hundreds of people just like you to start from scratch and start and nurture and grow their own fully flexible small digital product businesses that are designed to help foster financial independence and security, a proper work-life balance, and a level of autonomy and control that is almost unparalleled in today’s world.

While I will give you everything you need to succeed, you will still need to grapple with and build your own personal growth and confidence and overcome challenges on the way, so I am also building a community of like-minded winners who can validate and support each other on this journey to abundance.

By unlocking the potential of your ideas, I will help you not only build your business but also leave a lasting legacy, experience exponential personal growth, and form meaningful connections. Alkemx is a commitment to empowering you on your journey to abundance on your terms.

The Alkemx Core Principles

I operate with the following principles in mind. Whenever we decide what to do next, we should consider these principles. And these principles come across in my training and coaching.

These principles are in no particular order of importance.

Keep it simple.

We live in a complex and ever-increasingly complicated world. Our businesses should not operate under that complexity. We can probably cut out 80% of the complexity, moving parts and mindless work. If we live in the simple 20%, we will make more money, have more time and ultimately live a more fulfilled life.

There is always an easier way.

Why are we spending hours and hours doing a task when there may be software that can do it for us? Why are we grappling with learning a process when we can hire someone to do it for us? Why did we spend five months building a huge fancy website when a simple one-page website would do just as well?

Think big, plan small.

If we want a thousand people to buy our course, we shouldn’t spend six months building something that may or may not work. We should build something small and plan to get just one person signed up. If we fail to do so, we will have failed small and fast and we can try again. Once the idea/product has proved itself, we can start to scale and take over the world. Getting our first customer is the only way to take over the world.

Action over perfection.

Another way of saying this isĀ Publish First, Edit later. If our blog/ebook/website is ready, but we think it needs more polishing, we should publish it first and then polish it later. Even 80% ready content will be more successful than 100% ready content that is delayed or never published. We shouldn’t spend weeks agonising over our websites. Just get it up and running and tweak it later.

Focused action over busy work

We all like to appear busy, and sometimes, the mind-numbing tasks we feel we have to do give us a feeling of control over the chaos. But for it to be effective, action must be focussed. And the focus should be on helping customers and making more sales. Will getting our website to look perfect make more sales or help our customers? No. So let’s err towards action, but make sure it is focussed action.

Always give value

We must always give our customers more than they hoped for. I am not talking about longer ebooks or more content; I am talking about fixing their problems in a way that makes the price they have paid seem small. If we can do that, we will have a loyal customer for life who will keep spending money with us.

Put those we serve first.

This is not about us. This is about helping our customers solve their problems. So we must keep our customer in mind at all times, keep solving their problems, and we will always have a sustainable business.